Monday, December 23, 2013

Depression makes us Lazy or laziness makes us depressed?

Depression is just a word we use to replace the real fact of being mentally lazy. We may be active and strong in our daily activities but our mind seems empty or numb. Emotions of course, play an important role in the way we feel every day. I strongly believe, if hormones control our emotions, our emotions can control them. It sounds cliché but my own personal experience has made me believe that no matter how miserable you feel, you can always have certain amount of control over your state of mind.

Before I go to the scientific explanation of how depression affects our efficiency, I want you to think about what really makes you depressed. What kind of thoughts, tensions or worries make you feel low and incapable?

Now, think whether these thoughts are directly the reason for your depression or is it something you associate with these thoughts. Most of the times, it is not that one thought that makes us depressed but a number of associations that lead us deep within our subconscious mind and activate some emotions from the past. Being aware of your thoughts is the first step to gaining any kind of minimum control over your state of mind.

Now, think whether these thoughts are directly the reason for your depression or is it something you associate with these thoughts. Most of the times, it is not that one thought that makes us depressed but a number of associations that lead us deep within our subconscious mind and activate some emotions from the past. Being aware of your thoughts is the first step to gaining any kind of minimum control over your state of mind.

If she is aware of this thought and right after she witnesses this, she distracts herself by shopping or having an ice cream, she is attributing a positive state of mind to the incident. This forms a link between the incident and the state of mind. She may not feel the same way about a bike accident anymore. She might now be able to stay calm whenever she witnesses a bike accident in future.

If she would have stopped, watched and thought more about the accident, it might have made her feel anxious or terrified.

Our actions play an important role. Actions lead to thoughts, body feelings and emotions. These three are linked to States of mind.

Another question that arises is about the inefficiency in daily chores in a depressed state. Most often when we are depressed, we don’t feel like eating, dressing up or anything that is basic for us in a relatively healthy state of mind. Feels like there is no strength or will within us to do anything.

The real cause for this is that when we think, some neurons are activated and that’s how the thoughts function. But when we think about a certain thing constantly, our neurons pass this message to other neurons and the message spreads. Thinking intensely about a situation causes al the brain neurons to participate in just one activity. This leads to a conflict in our mind. The sub-conscious mind is trained to carry out some chores daily while all then neurons which are supposed to send the signals for carrying out those chores are busy stressing on this One thought that is bothering us. The conflict continues as we avoid ignore our sub conscious signals for completion of daily tasks.  By doing this we just train our mind to avoid the messages of the sub-conscious mind and this is how we unknowingly re-program it to drift away from the normal program.

Keeping our principles clear can help us detect depression at an early stage. It can prevent health worries and help in maintaining a healthy mind. 

I hope this has helped you to understand the basic mechanisms of depression.

In my next article I will explain how we can avoid conflicting principles that cause depression.

Stay tuned for some more knowledge on Positive living!

- The Positive Man

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